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Крутой ресурс: Избранные платформы поддерживающие дистанционное обучение
Peeragogy is a flexible framework of techniques for peer learning and peer knowledge production. The strength of peeragogy is its flexibility and scalability. The learning mind-set and strategies that we are uncovering in the Peeragogy project can be applied in classrooms, hackerspaces, organizations, wikis, and interconnected collaborations across an entire society.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NyrEU7n6IUl5rgGiflx_dK8CrdoB2bwyyl9XG-H7iw8/edit# Resources for Online Meetings, Classes, and Events - By Facilitators for Pandemic Response group and other collaborators
http://www.cali.org/corona -Comprehensive set of resources from The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UBiQ6tJcOro_rTgTIgW48Wf3xzg-sGR6r-cKUcdSlcc/edit#heading=h.2nwzjalwrsxr - Tips on choosing tech tools for teaching online
https://www.remotestarterkit.com/ - Remote Starter Kit: Tools and processes tested by the Hanno team
Accessibility and technical limitations
Group video (Smaller groups / interaction)
https://hangouts.google.com/ - Free
https://zoom.us/ - Free for 40 min, 100 pers limit
https://www.skype.com/en/ - Free
(synchronous) Collaboration/Curation
https://riseup.net/ - Free
Classroom/student response systems
http://menti.com/ - Free for 3 slides/questions
Online/Virtual Learning Management Systems
(asynchronous) Video recording
https://www.loom.com/blog/coronavirus-response | Loom Pro is now free for educators permanently
Twinkle an online hub for teaching resources have made their services free for 1 month https://twitter.com/twinklresources/status/1235923631173230592
Museums with virtual tours https://www.travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours
https://toolbox.hyperisland.com/ - methods and tools curated by Hyper Island (energizers for workshops, creativity/innovation tools, personal development and team building tools)
https://dschool.stanford.edu/resources/ - The D. School is part of Stanford University, and aims to bring students from different disciplines together to solve complex problems. They curated a collection of resources from their classes and workshops. Activities, tools, and how-tos that can be used as a starting point. They “hope you’ll hack them for whatever challenge you’re working on”.
MOOCs etc. - 200+ MOOCs and other online training resources.
Check your connection, software and hardware before the call. Do a test call. Close any heavy bandwidth usage programs (netflix, youtube) on your network (check with housemates)
Share materials you want to present before the call if possible
Mute when you are not speaking
Follow the Radio principles: Think - Unmute - Speak - Mute - Listen
Use the chat option wisely, for example for numbers, links, interrupting\ (i.e. ‘raising your hand’), questions etc.
By Fred Deakin of Modual, who are broadcasting a free two week online workshop to collaborate on a creative industry response to the Climate Emergency. Modual also have an open source guide to running collaborative workshops (online and offline)
Remote guiding - giving technical support/instructions
Easy to use tool to give support through a shared video feed, several functions to guide the person on the other end. More efficient than a standard video call and only requires the person who calls to have the app installed.
https://manual.to/ makes it easy for organisations to quickly create and share digital how-to guides, in any language, on any device. Easier and more cost-effective and powerful than creating a word file or a youtube video. Instant translation makes it easy for anyone to read the resulting instructions.
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19 - UK Government advice
JISC Online Contingency Briefing 16/3: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/training/planning-for-coronavirus
Ensuring continuity of learning during enforced absence: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/ensuring-continuity-of-learning-during-enforced-absence
US Colleges and Universities closed for COVID-19
https://tutor.id/en/ - connect tutors and pupils
https://www.toolboxtoolbox.com/ - a curated list of the best business, design, and organisational change toolboxes built by some of the most influential companies, institutions and thinkers